Scope and Activities
The CEEES Technical Advisory Board for Climatic and Atmospheric Pollution Effects on Materials and Equipment (TABCAP) is a platform for the exchange of information relating to interaction of the natural climate and air pollution on the performance of equipment and material. It operates at an international level on matters concerning the effects on materials, characteristics, standards, innovations and test procedures.
The aim of the TAB is to increasing knowledge in this application field for both members and national societies. It achieves the latter goal by supporting the national societies in writing handbooks and guidelines. It achieves the first goal by inviting other experts to the TAB meetings to give presentations about their research and development. Allowing TAB participants to make personal contacts and engage in thematic high relevant discussions. Frequently experts making such presentations originate from the country hosting the meeting facilitating improved interaction between CEEES and the National Society.
From the presentations and workshops given during the TAB meetings, the group has generated CEEES Publications which are available through the CEEES secretariat.
In addition to technical presentations the TAB acts as a focus for the review of new and innovative equipment as well as state of the art and new developments in environmental testing facilities.
The TAB organizes workshops and seminars or supports of them at a European level.