Together against environmental influences

Combined knowledge for better product performance

Climatic and Atmospheric Pollution Effects

A platform for the exchange of information relating to interaction of the natural climate and air pollution on the performance of equipment and material.

Mechanical Environments

Advance methodologies and technologies for quantifying, describing and simulating mechanical environmental conditions experienced by equipment during its life cycle.

Reliability and Environmental Stress Screening

Exchange information about product reliability as well as elaboration of recommended practices, surveys and other reference documents in this field.

European Co-operation in Environmental Engineering

The Confederation of European Environmental Engineering Societies is an independent organisation promoting the advancement of science and technology in the field of environmental engineering and related branches of science. CEEES also co-ordinates the exchange of information and experience in all related fields. It arranges and participates in national and international conferences and seminars on environmental techniques and their application. Its members are active in the establishment of national and international standards and codes of practice. CEEES encourages the member societies to support each others‘ activities. The professional work is carried out in the Technical Advisory Boards covering mechanical stresses, reliability and environmental stress screening and climatic and pollution effects on equipment and structures.

News & Events

DIN Excellence Award for Karl-Friedrich Ziegahn

In recognition of his many years of active commitment as Chairman…

CEEES and GUS at the AIRBAG 2024, Mannheim

The Gesellschaft für Umweltsimulation GUS e.V. presented itself…

CEEES Fall Meeting 2024, Graz, Austria

CEEES hold his annual fall meeting in Graz, Austria, hosted by…