David Delaux
David DELAUX is an engineer graduated from Centre Etudes Supérieures Industrielles Engineering School of Paris, France. He is Head of Reliability Corporate at Valeo. David joined Valeo in September 1997 in the Engine Cooling branch.
After a certification from HEC (Hautes Etudes de Commerces) and INSEAD (Executive International Management), he was successively, Engineer, Project Manager, Laboratory Manager, Head of Material Department (involved in the validation of all aluminium alloys and polymers) and Head of Reliability Department (dealing with warranty issues, reliability validations - corrosion, thermal shock, pressure pulsation, vibration).
David is now responsible for leading the global competency development and the reliability strategy for Valeo worldwide. In addition, he is Regulation Director for Thermal System Business Group.
For three years, David was Chairman of a national research program called FiRST focus on the Reliability study of Mecatronic System for High Power. This helped him to obtain a doctorate at INSA (National Applied Science Institute) of Rouen in the Reliability field.
As a Reliability Senior Expert, David has been involved in different scientific societies as Board of Directors; ASTE ( Association des Sciences et des Techniques d‘Environnement) and CEEES. He is a Professor at Rouen University and at ENSMA engineer school (Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et d’Aérotechnique).
In 2015, he has been nominated National Auditor COFRAC ISO 17025 (Mechanical and Climatic Environments.)